The sputtering tool's chamber
A cutting-edge sputtering capability has been established as part of the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP) research infrastructure funding round, funded by ARENA and with co-investment from Monash University and the Australian National Fabrication Facility.
This equipment, installed at the Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication (MCN), will provide combinatorial deposition features to accelerate discovery of new materials for photovoltaic devices. This facility will feature a customised, combinatorial sputtering system with multi-target co-deposition options, in-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), and a JA Woollam spectroscopic ellipsometer for in-situ measurements of thickness and optical constants.

Members of ACAP's Monash team
This facility will be crucial in developing new materials and interfaces for future progress in silicon and other emerging photovoltaics. With the capability to accelerate the development and optimisation of sputtered inorganic materials by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared to conventional vacuum techniques, this facility will significantly strengthen ACAP's leadership in materials discovery for solar cells.
For further enquires please contact Jacek Jasieniak at: jacek.jasieniak@monash.edu